Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Forgiving One Another

Hey my blog readers,
I hope that you are enjoying your week. I also hope that you enjoyed your Easter (a.k.a. Resurrection Day).
Mine was great. I wanted to talk about forgiveness. I feel like God has been urging me to talk about this.
Forgiveness can be a hard thing to do. In Matthew 6:12, it says ,"Forgive our tresspasses, as we forgive those who have tresspassed against us". When we walk or walk with God, we want to be as close to Him as possible. But, I am a witness that forgiveness can be a very tough thing. When someone has betrayed or hurt you, you have to swallow your hurt and pride and forgive that person.

Ephesians 4:32 reads, "And be kind to one another, tenderhearted , forgiving one another even as God in Christ forgave you".

If God can forgive us, we definately can forgive others. I recently had this conversation with a friend who said that he feels that many people do not realize that they have hurt us. This goes with Luke 23:34, Jesus says, ".. Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." The Lord said this while he was being crucified. This is inconceivable to some. But if He could do it, so can we.

Lauryn Hill's song "Forgive Him Father" is based on the Luke 23:34. She sings out, "
Beware the false motives of others
Be careful of those who pretend to be brothers
And you never suppose it's those who are closest to you, to you
They say all the right things to gain their position
Then use your kindness as their ammunition
To shoot you down in the name of ambition, they do

Forgive them father for they know not what they do
Forgive them father for they know not what they do..."
Lauryn was definately on to something... We may do things that hurt God, but he forgives us.
We are all human. We all fall short of the glory of God. We can expect that people (even those
who we love) will disappoint or hurt us at one point of our lives. We may do the same. But,
we must remind ourselves... If God can forgive, so can we! It's a challenge, but not impossible.

                                                                                     Until Next Time...
                                                                                     God is good :-)